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Digits Problem

Page history last edited by Nathan Wisdom 12 years, 6 months ago



1. In the following decimal, how many 2's are there in all before the hundredth 3?




2. What is the units digit in the power of 3 with an exponent corresponding to the current year? For example, 

   what is the units digit in the expansion of  32009  ?


3.  What is the units digit in the expansion of 71999 ?



4. What is the tens digit in the expansion of 71999 ?



5. What is the digit in the tens place in the expansion of 32001 ? (Hint: The tens digit repeats in cycles of 20.)



6. A number is formed by writing the counting numbers in order:




What is the one millionth digit in this number?



Sobel, M & Maletsky, E. (1999). Teaching Mathematics. Allyn &Bacon, Needham Heights, MA

Comments (2)

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 6:22 pm on Feb 28, 2010

mr wisdom how am i supposed to find the powers of all of these large numbers, it impossible

Jameswoods said

at 5:05 pm on Aug 24, 2010

i know right man

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