From: Khigh Stephens
Sent: Wed 3/11/2009 8:34 PM
To: Nathan Wisdom - Salem High
Subject: Paula's stacking peaches: Explanation
ANSWER- 62,525
EXPLANATION- To get to this # I started by drawing a layer of peaches just so I know the pattern of the increase of the outer peaches in each layer. I figured that the increase of outer peaches for every layer was 3. Then i used that information to get the # of outer peaches for each layer. Once i got all the numbers, I added them up and got 3,676. That # represents the total number of peaches on the bottom layer of the pyramid. Then I took that # and kept substracting the # of outer peaches and every # I got I wrote to the side. All the #'s I ended up with were the total # of peaches in each layer. Finally I added up all those #'s to give me 62,525, the total # of peaches in the 50 layered pyramid of peaches
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