
Math Support B

Page history last edited by Nathan Wisdom 14 years, 10 months ago









Assignment 0: Write a brief autobiographical statement.


     Complete questions 1-4 and select one other question to write-up.


The following 3 write-ups are from GPS Unit 3 : Geometry Gallery   



  • Assignment 3: Triangles Learning Task from Unit 3: Geometry Gallery to write up. 


  • Assignment 4: Constructing with Diagonals Learning Task  from Unit 3: Geometry Gallery to write up.


The following  5 write-ups are from GPS Unit: The Chance of Winning




  • Assignment 6:  Select one of the Testing Learning Task from GPS unit The Chance of Winning


  • Assignment 7:  Select one of the Game learning Task from GPS unit The Chance of Winning


  • Assignment 8: Dice Learning Task  from The Chance of Winning


  • Assignment 9: Simulation Learning Task  from The Chance of Winning

The following 5 write-ups is from GPS UNIT:Algebra in Context


  • Assignment 10: Paula’s Peaches Learning Task (ITEMS 1-4)


  • Assignment 11: Paula’s Peaches Learning Task (ITEMS 5-10)


  • Assignment 12: Paula’s Peaches Learning Task (ITEMS 11 -15)


  • Assignment 13: Logo Symmetry Learning Task


  • Assignment 14: Shadows and Shapes Learning Task



The following 4 write-ups is from  GPS Unit 6:  Coordinate Geometry



  • Assignment 15: Video Game Learning Task


  • Assignment 16: New York Learning Task


  • Assignment 17: Quadrilaterals Revisited Learning Task


  • Assignment 18: Euler’s Village Learning Task







Comments (14)

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 7:45 pm on Feb 9, 2010

mr wisdom how do i post my work on your wiki

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 8:08 pm on Feb 14, 2010

mr wisdom is the dice learning task and stimulation learning task for my math support class too becasue i dont think we learned any of that stuff.

Nathan Wisdom said

at 1:19 pm on Feb 15, 2010

Yes. You will be learning it in both of your classes. With what we did last class you should be able to do the spinner task

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 8:58 pm on Feb 21, 2010

mr wisdom, can you tell me again how to post my write ups?

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 10:51 pm on Feb 24, 2010

where is the study material for assignment 10 because i need help writing the function for problem d

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 7:27 pm on Feb 25, 2010

may you please help me with problem g in paulas peaches learning task

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 9:47 pm on Feb 26, 2010

mr wisdom, my assignment 3 is supposed to be my assignment 4.. i got them mixed up. I will be doing extra credit and posting other write ups over the weekend, and how do i put my work from geo gebra and post it on my page?

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 9:56 pm on Feb 26, 2010

mr wisdom where is the sit for your extra credit?

thank you,

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 6:05 pm on Feb 28, 2010

on the paulas peaches learning task i do not understand what you are asking on 3 b

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 5:50 pm on Mar 2, 2010

on the paulas peaches learning task i do not understand what you are asking on 3 b

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 6:33 pm on Mar 15, 2010

mr wisdom can i come to the help session tomorrow and you canhelp me with paulas peaches part 2 #9 thanks.

Rachel Miller said

at 5:08 pm on Apr 12, 2010

Mr.wisdom how do we get things that we did on the geogebra window to the page thing we have on your website?

Nathan Wisdom said

at 10:00 pm on Apr 12, 2010

Go to File in the menu bar, then select <export>, then select graphics as picture(png), Change the resolution to 72, then click save. You can then upload the file to your wiki page.

Lorenzo McWilliams said

at 8:07 pm on May 5, 2010

hey mr wisdom...i want to come in next week so i can work on my write ups with you if thats okay?

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