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Wisdom_Spinner Task 1

Page history last edited by Nathan Wisdom 13 years, 8 months ago



Calculate the following probabilities for the spinner (assuming the spinner is fair).

1) What is the probability of obtaining $800 on the first spin?




2) What is the probability of obtaining $400 on the first spin?

 P($400)= 1/8


3) Is it just as likely to land on $100 as it is on $800?

4) What is the probability of obtaining at least $500 on the first spin?

5) What is the probability of obtaining less than $200 on the first spin?

6) What is the probability of obtaining at most $500 on the first spin?

7) If you spin the spinner twice, what is the probability that you will have a sum of $200?

8) If you spin the spinner twice, what is the probability that you will have a sum of at most $400?

9) If you spin the spinner twice, what is the probability that you will have a sum of at least $1500?

10) If you spin the spinner twice, what is the probability that you will have a sum of at least 300?

11) Given that you landed on $100 on the first spin, what is the probability that the sum of your two spins will be $200?

12) Given that you landed on $800 on the first spin, what is the probability that the sum of your two spins will be at least $1000?




Comments (3)

Kaylee Wilson said

at 1:27 pm on Jan 8, 2011

these are just the questions, your grade is a 0

Nathan Wisdom said

at 3:24 pm on Jan 8, 2011

I did questions 1 & 2. How can I get 0?

Kaylee Wilson said

at 2:36 pm on Jan 19, 2011

Fine, you get a 17.

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